Pimpin' ain't easy — unless you're this father-son duo accused of sex trafficking.
A 31-year-old prostitute who said she turned tricks for Vincent George Sr., 55, and Jr., 33, insisted in court Tuesday that her pimps treated her right for 14 years.
"I love him ... He's a good father," said Danielle Geissler of Allentown, Pa., who has an 8-year-old girl with George Jr.
"We slapped each other around sometimes but never over work or staying in the life," she added, referring to the hooker lifestyle.
The violence only occurred during their "low" moments, Geissler said, which came when she wasn't sexually satisfied.
"If I didn't get it, I'd hate the world," she said.
Geissler is one of George Jr.'s five "wives-in-law."
The quintet of fawning women appeared in Manhattan criminal court and were expected to testify in the men's defense.
When George Jr. entered the courtroom he looked over at the row of his beaming girls, raised his eyebrows in acknowledgment and gave a sleazy slight smile.
Geissler said she started working for George Jr. on her 18th birthday and that he made sure she always had enough money to pay her mortgage and other bills. She had a house, two cars, vacations, clothes and, according to her, "a full fridge."
But when pressed by prosecutors, Geissler revealed the brutality of the pimp-prostitute arrangement.
She admitted she paid her mortgage to a man who actually owned her house. He promised to give her the house as soon as she paid off the mortgage.
She also admitted she had no bank account and failed to pay her credit cards.
Nevertheless, her devotion to George Jr. — who, with his father, faces charges of sex trafficking, money laundering and other crimes — was complete.
She said she pleaded with George Jr. for permission to get a tattoo of "Daddy Ko" on her shoulder when she was 19 — a reference to her pimp's nickname, King Kobe.
"I begged him for it. [But] he didn't want anyone walking around with his name," Geissler said.
The Georges were busted last year for allegedly using a music recording company and their livery car service to launder millions of dollars for their bordello on wheels.
But defense attorney Howard Greenberg said his clients' line of work was harmless.
"The women, simply put, worked as 'hos' because they wanted to," he said. "Of course they're promoting prostitutes .. . what's the big deal?
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